Friday, August 3, 2012

New Chapter of My Life!

Hello~~~ I nearly forgot I have this blog! xP

Oh well, I am going to Singapore tomorrow already lo!!! A beginning of my new life!!!

How do I feel? Hmmm... Happy? Excited? Sad? All also got! haha... Difficult to describe!!! Anyway, I am going to a "kiasu" country, hope that I won't become very "kiasu" la!!! hahaha....

Anyhow, wish me luck!!! hehehe.... Nitez....

P.S.: End up I choose not to tell you! Hope my decision is the right one! All the best! ;)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Long Leave!!!!

My long but not fun leaves (coz need to study) are coming soon!!!!

Study leave + block leave in total 3 weeks! Goal is to finish until IA!!!! You can do it!!!! AZA AZA AZA AZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ideal Lifestyle

Wake up - Shower - Breakfast - Work - Lunch - Work - Dinner - Workout - Shower - Study - Sleep

Wake up - Breakfast - Relax - Lunch - Study - Dinner - Hangout - Sleep

Wake up - Breakfast - Relax - Study - Lunch - Study - Dinner - Relax - Go back to PV10 - Clean up - Sleep

Hmm.... Do I manage to follow this??? (Especially the study part!!!! hahahaha.....)

Well, I will try my BEST!!!!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bye bye March 2011 (a.k.a. most happening month to me)

Finally, March 2011 is over and the April Fool for year 2011 comes!

Last month was really a very happening month for me! I have enjoyed a lot, played a lot and SPENT a lot!!! I am officially bankrupt for the rest of the month... I really can't wait until my bonus comes!!! Dear Bonus, please come to me ASAP before my bank account become ZERO!!!! WTH!!! I really feel sad every time I login to my AmBank Online... It is a nightmare!!! :(

Oh well, I think I should stop complaining how broke I am this month before I start crying... haha... Time to share some fun moments during March 2011.

1st weekend:
I went to Jay Chou's concert and it was AWESOME!!! He really did much better than I expected. The 3D effect was cool, his performance was great (er... well, he did not sing well at the beginning and even 破音 when singing 爱在西元前 but after that he performed well) and the environment was PERFECT! After watching it I really feel that the price for the ticket is totally worth it and am regret for not buying a better seat. Well, I have decided I am going to buy a better seat when Jay comes to Malaysia for concert next time! Looking forward for it!

2nd weekend:
I drove all the way to Muar to attend Eddie's wedding dinner! Although some unpleasant incident happened, it is still an enjoyable trip. Muar is a very small and peaceful place, well, compared to KL or even Klang. Nothing much to do there except to eat. haha... Foods there are cheap. Imagine 12 of us went for dim sum and it only cost us RM200++ or less (can't really remember the amount).

An observation from this Muar trip is Muar ppl really like to sing! During the wedding dinner, keep on having ppl singing on the stage. It was like a mini concert! LOL!

3rd weekend:
Trip to Sg.Lembing!!!! It was a very random and last minute plan. And surprisingly, even though it is quite last minute, 10 ppl attended! BRAVO! I really didn't expect that. haha....

We climbed the Panorama Hill and again I did not manage to see the sun rise... sigh.... The worse part is it started to rain after we reached the top. GOSH!!! This totally spoiled my mood man. Luckily the rain did not last for too long. We manage to have some photo shooting sessions before the rain come again... We also have some jumping pose shooting and the best jumping pose award goes to Angie Ngui Yang Yang!!! He has created YYJ (Yang Yang Jump) which is really a classic! haha... To find out what pose it that please go to check it out at my facebook! LOL!!! XD

After photo shooting session, we walked down the hill. All of us are wet like "fall soup chicken".

Second day, we went to Rainbow Waterfall. It was the highlight of the whole trip for me. We need to take 1 hour car ride and then walk for around 40 minutes to reach the waterfall. It sounds horrible right? But actually it is not! The car ride is fun!!! haha... Well, it is very fun for me... It is so bumpy until you won't feel sleepy or bored! hahaha.... After an hour and 40 minutes trip, we reached Rainbow Waterfall! It is breathtaking beautiful! I've never see such a tall waterfall from the bottom (Niagara Falls is an exception XD). However weather that day is not very sunny, so we only manage to see the big rainbow for a few seconds. But our tour guide has showed us the small rainbow which would need us to go near to the waterfall in order to see it and it is amazing. So, I would say an hour and 40 mins trip to the waterfall is totally worth it! :) Also, during the trip you can easily discover something de.... Like for us, we discovered someone only willing to hold someone's hand!!! hahaha.... XD I wonder if the someone will see this..... wakakakakaka... :P

After seeing the rainbows we went back! And guess what, the Mr.Rain comes again!!! All of us become "fall soup chicken" again because it rains during the whole 1 hour car ride. KNS!!!

At night, we went to Lau Heong for dinner. We found out that Alvin loves the pork knuckle there very much! haha... Although I did not see it myself, I can imagine how his saliva comes out when we said we are going there for dinner! LOL...

Overall, this was a great trip and I feel that this trip has strengthen our friendships and know each other better.. So maybe it's time for next trip? Let's plan for white water rafting at Gopeng!!! hahaha... Coming soon!

P.S.: I never scold ppl! I am just joking with you all.... :P

4th weekend:
Phuket Trip! Another rainy day trip! I went day for 5 days and 5 days also rain!!!! We can't even go to the famous Phi Phi Island!!! OMG!!!!!!! I am totally sien diao when I know this... haiz... Fortunately, we at least had the ATV ride which is something new for me... The ATV was the highlight of the whole trip.... And the rest of the time, we either shopping or drinking... Nothing much... Sien... This is not the very worthy trip I can say... :(

I am thinking of going to Krabi next time which is nearer to Phi Phi Island. Phi Phi Island is a place that I must go! It is beautiful place, well from the catalog! haha.... Let's save money and make the trip happen! hehehehe.... XD

All my weekends for March 2011 are gone just like this! haha... Activities come weekend after weekend and money flowing out weekend after weekend. For the rest of the month, I think I better stay at home and study... This is the most costless and most educational activity isn't it? LOL....

Alright, I shall stop now before the post become a novel! haha.... Time to sleep. Goodnight!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Midnight Post

I've started (well, I started looooooong time ago), decided and hope it won't stop easily until everything is done! :)

Oh ya, my department is going to have newcomers soon, well, there are also leavers. However, it is excited to meet newcomers and excited to see the department grows.

I am still the same me, people think I can't do it, I will purposely try whatever I can to make it! This is what we call "guai lan" (hokkien) or 犯贱!!! hahaha.... Anyway, this is how I went through my life so far and I never regret! If you think you can, YOU CAN!!!!

OK, time to nap... ZZZZzzzzzzz...............

Thursday, December 23, 2010







今晚是平安夜哦。大家有plan了吗?呵呵~~ 本宅男呢将会和一些同事们去吃吃晚餐,看看电影和喝喝茶呗!应该将会是一个不错的outing咯!想想还是第一次和那么多同事出来呢。哈哈~~~

然后“剩蛋”节呢,Oppssss,打错了。应该是圣诞节。哈哈哈。。。我知道是有一点冷,别打我啊~~~~哈哈哈哈~~~好好,言归正传。圣诞节呢本宅男将会和我的女神渡过啦~~~~Hebe 我来啦~~~~终于可以看到你啦!!!!好开心,好兴奋,好期待啊!!!!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。


最后附送一则本宅男听过的笑话(credit goes to Angie Lam Hoi Yam, LOL).





Tuesday, December 14, 2010






To: 那些不幸还在“阿斗”的领土里的“诸葛亮”,“周瑜”和“司马昱”们,节哀顺变吧。我们就好好的利用他们的“贡献”来衬托出我们的好吧!哈哈哈。。。

